Java in a Nutshell

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The java.awt Package

18.16 java.awt.Container (JDK 1.0)

This class implements a component that can contain other components. You cannot instantiate Container directly, but must use one of its subclasses, such as Panel, Frame, or Dialog. Once a Container is created, you may set its LayoutManager with setLayout(), add components to it with add(), and remove them with remove(). getComponents() returns an array of the components contained in a Container. locate() determines within which contained component a specified point falls. list() produces helpful debugging output.

public abstract class Container extends Component {

    // Protected Constructor

        1.1  protected Container();

    // Public Instance Methods

            public Component add(Component comp);

            public Component add(String name, Component comp);

            public Component add(Component comp, int index);

        1.1  public void add(Component comp, Object constraints);

        1.1  public void add(Component comp, Object constraints, int index);

        1.1  public void addContainerListener(ContainerListener l);

            public void addNotify();  // Overrides Component

        #   public int countComponents();

        #   public void deliverEvent(Event e);  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public void doLayout();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public float getAlignmentX();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public float getAlignmentY();  // Overrides Component

            public Component getComponent(int n);

        1.1  public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y);  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public Component getComponentAt(Point p);  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public int getComponentCount();

            public Component[] getComponents();

        1.1  public Insets getInsets();

            public LayoutManager getLayout();

        1.1  public Dimension getMaximumSize();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public Dimension getMinimumSize();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public Dimension getPreferredSize();  // Overrides Component

        #   public Insets insets();

        1.1  public void invalidate();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public boolean isAncestorOf(Component c);

        #   public void layout();  // Overrides Component

            public void list(PrintStream out, int indent);  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public void list(PrintWriter out, int indent);  // Overrides Component

        #   public Component locate(int x, int y);  // Overrides Component

        #   public Dimension minimumSize();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public void paint(Graphics g);  // Overrides Component

            public void paintComponents(Graphics g);

        #   public Dimension preferredSize();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  public void print(Graphics g);  // Overrides Component

            public void printComponents(Graphics g);

        1.1  public void remove(int index);

            public void remove(Component comp);

            public void removeAll();

        1.1  public void removeContainerListener(ContainerListener l);

            public void removeNotify();  // Overrides Component

            public void setLayout(LayoutManager mgr);

            public void validate();  // Overrides Component

    // Protected Instance Methods

        1.1  protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index);

            protected String paramString();  // Overrides Component

        1.1  protected void processContainerEvent(ContainerEvent e);

        1.1  protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e);  // Overrides Component

        1.1  protected void validateTree();



Object->Component(ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable)->Container

Extended By:

Panel, ScrollPane, Window

Passed To:

BorderLayout.getLayoutAlignmentX(), BorderLayout.getLayoutAlignmentY(), BorderLayout.invalidateLayout(), BorderLayout.layoutContainer(), BorderLayout.maximumLayoutSize(), BorderLayout.minimumLayoutSize(), BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(), CardLayout.first(), CardLayout.getLayoutAlignmentX(), CardLayout.getLayoutAlignmentY(), CardLayout.invalidateLayout(), CardLayout.last(), CardLayout.layoutContainer(), CardLayout.maximumLayoutSize(), CardLayout.minimumLayoutSize(),, CardLayout.preferredLayoutSize(), CardLayout.previous(),, FlowLayout.layoutContainer(), FlowLayout.minimumLayoutSize(), FlowLayout.preferredLayoutSize(), GridBagLayout.ArrangeGrid(), GridBagLayout.getLayoutAlignmentX(), GridBagLayout.getLayoutAlignmentY(), GridBagLayout.GetLayoutInfo(), GridBagLayout.GetMinSize(), GridBagLayout.invalidateLayout(), GridBagLayout.layoutContainer(), GridBagLayout.maximumLayoutSize(), GridBagLayout.minimumLayoutSize(), GridBagLayout.preferredLayoutSize(), GridLayout.layoutContainer(), GridLayout.minimumLayoutSize(), GridLayout.preferredLayoutSize(), LayoutManager.layoutContainer(), LayoutManager.minimumLayoutSize(), LayoutManager.preferredLayoutSize(), LayoutManager2.getLayoutAlignmentX(), LayoutManager2.getLayoutAlignmentY(), LayoutManager2.invalidateLayout(), LayoutManager2.maximumLayoutSize()

Returned By:

Component.getParent(), ContainerEvent.getContainer(), Toolkit.getNativeContainer()

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java.awt.Component (JDK 1.0) Book Index java.awt.Cursor (JDK 1.1)

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