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24.7 (JDK 1.1)

This class is a character input stream that uses a character array as the source of the characters it returns. You create a CharArrayReader by specifying the character array, or portion of an array, that it is to read from.

CharArrayReader defines the usual Reader methods, and supports the mark() and reset() methods.

Note that the character array you pass to the CharArrayReader is not copied by this class. This means that changes you make to the elements of the array after you create the input stream do affect the values read from the array.

CharArrayReader() is the character-array analog of ByteArrayInputStream, and is similar to StringReader.

public class CharArrayReader extends Reader {

    // Public Constructors

            public CharArrayReader(char[] buf);

            public CharArrayReader(char[] buf, int offset, int length);

    // Protected Instance Variables

            protected char[] buf;

            protected int count;

            protected int markedPos;

            protected int pos;

    // Public Instance Methods

            public void close();  // Defines Reader

            public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException;  // Overrides Reader

            public boolean markSupported();  // Overrides Reader

            public int read() throws IOException;  // Overrides Reader

            public int read(char[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException;  // Defines Reader

            public boolean ready() throws IOException;  // Overrides Reader

            public void reset() throws IOException;  // Overrides Reader

            public long skip(long n) throws IOException;  // Overrides Reader




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